
Ask Ashley - Take Three

Ask Ashley - Take Three

Posted by Ashley Webb on Feb 9, 2023

What up, party people! Welcome to this week's Ask Ashley… This week's question is brought to us by the letter T


What are survey Tags?

Over the last decade, tags have shaped how we document and search for different things on the world wide web. 


You can tag someone in a photo…

You can tag a keyword in your intranet… 

You can tag someone on social media…

The list goes on!


But did you know that you can use tags for surveys? This is just another way Crewhu is innovating CSAT and NPS surveys. 


This week we are going to deep dive into the benefits of using survey tags. So grab your scuba gear, and let's jump in! 


Benefits of Using Survey Tags

ONE Advanced Analytics

TWO Gamification of Metrics

THREE Enhancement of the Customer Experience 


Consider your tags as your “non-negotiables,” the actions or goals/KPIs that are most important to your organization to measure your customer satisfaction. 


For example, in my role as a Service Manager, our company's core values were our tags. Our goal was to make sure our client's perception of our work aligned with the reality of the customer experience we were trying to cultivate. 


So, it works like this: 

Once your end user receives the CSAT survey, they are then able to click on the tags that best describe their experience! The response is then sent back to the Crewhu interface. 



NOW… to the fun part…Analytics! Let’s gooo! 

Admins can then pull data from the portal to see what the clients are connecting with most. Or what they may be missing the mark on. Something like this dashboard…


You can then use this information to gamify your metrics. Reward your crew for meeting the mark on the tags that mean the most. Gamification allows for healthy competition and is a great training tool to keep your crew engaged and provide consistent customer service. 


Just keep swimming… The Customer Experience is just ahead! 


We know tags can offer great analytics and gamify your metrics…but enhancing your customer experience is the ultimate benefit! 

It is one thing to know you have received the smiley face…but to know what is actually making them happy or unhappy is GOLD!

Understanding this information can change the way you interact with your end users, and I mean… why wouldn’t you want that type of insight?? 


As I said, we have all become accustomed to using tags in some way.  It only makes sense to incorporate them in your CSAT and NPS surveys. 


Don’t miss out on the benefits. Be the difference. Be BADASS.

Thanks, letter T, for today’s question! 


Until next time, 

Ask Ashley… that is me! 

Topics: surveys, customer satisfaction, CSAT, core values

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