Ask Ashley

The Dynamic Duo

Written by Ashley Webb | May 25, 2023 3:03:05 PM

"Gamification is the process of using game thinking and game dynamics to engage audiences and solve problems." - Gabe Zichermann.


Hello Crewhu Nation, 

Welcome to this week's edition of Ask Ashley —> that's me! This week we are going to talk about KPIs & Gamification. These two are essential in the Crewhu Platform and can be the difference between you and the competition. So let's jump in! 

Leveling up Performance 

Engagement and motivation play crucial roles in driving success these days. As a result, organizations constantly seek innovative ways to enhance productivity, foster healthy collaboration, and keep their businesses thriving. One way to gain a lot of traction is the gamification of KPIs. (In case you have forgotten, a KPI is a Key Performance Indicator - businesses use these indicators to track trends, keep employees engaged, and drive customer service results. 

The Dynamic Duo 

Gamification is integrating game mechanics and design principles into a non-game context. For example, one of our KPIs on my Crew was "closed tickets." Pretty standard KPI for the MSP world; every month that we hit the golden number, we (the Crew) would get rewarded by receiving badges and Crewhu bucks to cash in on our success. It took a boring number and gave it life. As a result, my Crew was engaged and excited to continue to exceed expectations (i.e., bigger goals, more significant rewards).

Fostering Collaboration 

Gamification can promote teamwork! Teamwork is my favorite. The Dynamic Duo of KPIs & Gamification is a great way to introduce leaderboards and team challenges your Crew can work on together. Having leaderboards or different challenges provides the most considerable flex, strengthening the organization's overall performance. It is a win-win when employees feel like they are working towards something, and their efforts will be rewarded. 

Real-Time Feedback

Another significant flex is real-time feedback. Instead of waiting for periodic performance reviews, your Crew can see their goals and performance in real-time. Again, transparency is vital, along with self-reflection. Allowing your Crew to have information at their fingertips lets them control their performance and quickly adjust to meet their goals. 


Here are a few factors to consider when implementing the Dynamic Duo in your environment: 

One: Clear Objectives 

Define the desired outcomes and align gamification efforts with specific KPIs to ensure relevance and effectiveness.

Two: Inclusive Design 

Ensure the gamification strategy is accessible and inclusive to all participants, considering diverse skill levels, preferences, and learning styles.

Three: Reward and Recognition 

Implement Crewhu and let our Crew dazzle you with how this Duo can make your MSP BADASS! 

Four: Regular Evaluation 

Continuously assess the impact of gamified KPIs, gather participant feedback, and refine the gamification strategy to maximize its effectiveness.


There you have it! Gamification & KPIs can be the difference between a thriving, engaged culture and an unengaged, lackluster culture. 


Be the difference! 


Until next time, 

Ask Ashley —> That is me!