
Top Tips For Building And Maintaining Promoters

Top Tips For Building And Maintaining Promoters

Posted by Ashley Webb on Feb 2, 2023

Ask Ashley - Take Two

Topic: NPS & Promoters 


Howdy folks, welcome to another edition of Ask Ashley!  


This week's question is brought to us by LinkedIn: What are the top tips you have found for building and maintaining promoters? 

I absolutely love this question and here is why: 


NPS programs that aren’t successful usually do not have the “what’s next” part of the process mapped out. This really comes down to what YOU, as the company or service provider, is trying to accomplish by gathering this information. 


Let’s back up a minute and discuss how you even get a “promoter.” 


Promoters come from the industry-wide standard metric that measures customer loyalty, known as Net Promoter Score (NPS). This is different from your average CSAT survey, which is considered a transactional survey… you know, the smiley faces you get once your ticket has been closed. 


NPS Surveys are considered more of a “pulse” on how the client feels about your company as a whole. These types of surveys are usually sent out quarterly or bi-annually. NPS is also directly tied to revenue → which is a key component. 


A promoter is someone who LOVES your company and is excited, energized, and ready to shout from the top of a mountain how awesome your company is. 


Ok, so now you know how you get a promoter - let’s talk about how you keep them! 


ONE: Create a repeatable process when you start your NPS Campaign. Remember what you are trying to achieve by gathering this information. You want a process that is easily repeatable and consistent. 


TWO: REWARD! You want to show your promoters that you appreciate their time and dedication to loving your product or service. 

-Personally thank them for their support.

-Offer gift cards… everyone likes money! 

-Offer EXCLUSIVE swag; if your client is willing to say that they are happy, give them a t-shirt! I cannot tell you how excited I was for my first Crewhu t-shirt…Literally, made my day! 

Pro-tip: Define these rewards in your process so you can budget accordingly and remain consistent with how you reward positive feedback from your clients. 


THREE: Write a case study. This is simple and easy to use at any time. When a client is willing to rate you on a scale from 1 - 10 AND give you a 10, they will be willing and READY to tell you more. Embrace it. Take the time to meet with your promoters and listen to their words. It is a super simple and repeatable process. You can use this information for sales and marketing purposes OR even sometimes just to sit back and reflect that you and your company are doing something right. 


FOUR: Ask for an online review. In today's world, people are forever googling and reading online reviews before making any type of purchase or commitment to a product or service. Having your promoters promote is the biggest lead and revenue generator. Oftentimes online reviews can be negative, so reaching out to your promoters personally and intentionally can open the door for more personalized relationship building, online engagement, leading to more referrals and organic growth. Promoters are your own personal cheerleaders, and they are excited to represent your team! 


FIVE: Use promoters as beta testers. Technology is always evolving, and we are constantly trying to innovate and find new ways to enhance the customer experience. Promoters usually are excited to tell you how they would improve the product because they are excited to use it and want to see the cool features before anyone else! Letting your users in on the ground floor allows buy-in, it also gives your customers a sense of purpose and that you truly care about making the best product. And if they like what they see, they will want to tell others about the cool sh*t they are getting to do with the product. 


SIX: Offer them a job. What better way to promote your product than having an actual user of your product on the team? I personally love this because that is how I have made my way to the Crewhu crew. I administered Crewhu for seven years and have been an advocate for the product since we were onboarded. I knew that this was the place I wanted to be and continue to work in the MSP universe while promoting a product that is innovative and really a game changer when it comes to culture and customer experience. 


SEVEN: Rinse and repeat! Any form of feedback can be valuable. Choosing to act with intention and consistency will keep your promoters promoting! 


So, there you have it! Seven actionable gold nuggets that can help you build and maintain promoters. 


Thanks for the question 😎


Until next week, 

Ask Ashley… That is me! 


Topics: Blog, Customer Service, Net Promoter Score, NPS

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