
Mastering the Digital Stage: The Art of Online Reputation Management

Mastering the Digital Stage: The Art of Online Reputation Management

Posted by Ashley Webb on Aug 15, 2023

Welcome, Crewhu-ers, to the era of digital innovation, where everyone’s a critic!

Agree? Just think about it – these days, when you're on the hunt for anything at all, online research is the name of the game. Blind purchases? Nah, not really our style. We're all about finding the sweetest deals and discovering how fellow consumers are enjoying their goodies. It's all about stretching our budgets across reputable solutions and maybe with just a smidge of regret-proofing.

And that brings us to this edition of  THE WEEKLY WIN, shining a spotlight on Online Reputation Management. The internet is a veritable playground for information and criticism and can leave you dizzy (or make your head spin)!

To reel off a few examples...

We've got the mighty Google, the BBB extravaganza, the Yelp chatter, the G2 hubbub, the Channel Program hubbub, the Reddit musings, and, of course, the Facebook buzz.

That's a ton of opportunities for uncheck reviews where people could be discussing YOU, your business, or what you're selling. Remember, mastering online reputation management isn't about crafting a picture-perfect facade; it's about making sure your digital presence truly mirrors your company's ethos and offerings.

It's all about keeping tabs on the digital talk, chiming in, and steering the conversation. Here are some pointers:

Keeping Watch 

Maintaining an online footprint requires effort. Assigning someone to keep a watchful eye, respond, and connect with the online community can ensure a positive and accurate portrayal.

Diving into Dialogue 

Prompt and professional responses to the full spectrum of comments – good and not-so-good – demonstrate your appreciation for feedback and your dedication to addressing concerns.

SEO Sorcery 

As our badass VP of Marketing, Jennifer would explain it: Reviews cannot be taken down, and whether they’re good or bad, the content posted in the first place helps you rank… think of it like building a ladder - each review is a rung and as these are added you go higher. 

Fun fact: Positive reviews make 91% of consumers more likely to use a business. The average consumer reads 10 reviews before feeling able to trust a business. 

Reviews Reimagined 

Cheering on happy customers to leave upbeat reviews while also tackling the not-so-happy ones constructively. A steady stream of positive reviews can outweigh any negativity.

Crystal Clear 

Honesty and openness in online interactions? Yep, they pump up trust and credibility. Admitting blunders openly and taking the reins of responsibility can work wonders in damage control.

So why is this the win? Your reputation is everything. Without enough reviews, you’re invisible online, and with enough great ones, you’ll see the difference in your bottom line. Folks tend to window-shop with vigor, often giving more weight to the words of complete strangers before hitting that purchase button. Don’t know where to start? Crewhu is a leader in online reputation!; I mean, don’t just take my word for it… hear it from our raving fans! Channel Program Reviews  & G2 Reviews



Collect Customer Feedback

Improve Online Rep

Until next time, stay classy! 

Topics: NPS, Online Reputation Management

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